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Does prednisone affect hair texture -

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Does prednisone affect hair texture

  Hirsutism is excessive growth of body hair. Patients vary in the degree to which this side effect of steroids occurs. Although some patients experience minimal. So yes, your hair will grow back after prednisone! Is there anything I can do? Yes, there are many ways that you can fight back. You can change things that are. A: While some women do experience a change in the texture of their hair after being on prednisone for a period of time, these changes generally occur in the. ❿  

What Is the Connection between Prednisone and Hair Loss?


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- Does prednisone affect hair texture

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Also known as Is Omicron a concern for Prednisone Warriors? As you know, the omicron variant is burning through the United States like a wildfire I nearly died.

Prednisone saved my life. They said I had to spend Corticosteroids are a cornerstone of treating most types of vasculitis, and are often used in combination with other immunosuppressive medications. Many of the side—effects of steroids are predictable. We emphasize that not all side effects occur in all patients. Despite the numerous potential side effects of corticosteroids listed below, their introduction into patient care more than 50 years ago revolutionized the treatment of many diseases, including vasculitis.

When used properly, these drugs save lives and avert threats to the function of important organs. The higher the steroid dose and the longer the duration of therapy, the greater the risk of infection. The risk is also increased when patients receive combinations of immunosuppressive medications, such as cyclophosphamide cytoxan and prednisone.

The risk of some infections can be greatly reduced by taking specific types of antibiotics prophylactically such as Bactrim. Pictured below is woman under treatment with prednisone and methotrexate for vasculitis and a concurrent neurologic condition myasthenia gravis developed painful vesicles in her mouth. The vesicles were confirmed by culture to be caused by re—activation of a Herpes simplex infection, and responded to treatment with acyclovir.

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They were the best, did a fantastic job and really care about their clients. New discussion Reply. Hi Gilly I have very fine hair and I did suffer from hair loss down the plughole! Good luck Amycakes.

Thanks ladies for your responses. I have always been careful to look after my hair, so I am sure it can't be that. It is amazing how when I have a question and check this sight there is someone else with the exact same issue at about the same time.

Also, when we feel pretty good we don't check this sight as often as we should. Kind of like praying only when you are in trouble! Nosilla, yes I sometimes wear my hair in a ponytail too, and I am seeing it go thinner by the day. Today I have worn my hair off my shoulders and piled up in a clip, and I feel it looks better for it..

At least the thinness is not so noticable like that. If I do find a miracle cure then I shall come back on here and tell you about it! Gilly - the only thing that can show whether you need AA is having a dexa scan to see what your bone density really is. Some people will have a low bone density even before steroids, about half of patients will develop low bone density as a result of steroids - and you can't tell from ordinary x-rays or from the steroid dose.

And some won't lose bone density - it will depend on the person. Stopped taking AA after six weeks and awful side effects and will never touch it again! Still having the oaccasional side effect from it I too have excessive hair loss and even hubby comments on how much hair he sees once I have left the bathroom :? It is also used in connetion with Alopecia. Sorry, forgot to add, check with the pharmacist that it is compatible with whatever else you are taking.

Belts and Braces. What your hair is doing often reflects something that happened 2 or 3 months ago, so - 50sgirl - the stress and pain etc from the hip problem must be taken into consideration.

Anything that affects your well-being can make your hair a mess a bit later :cry: So the massive hair loss that often happens after a baby is born is nothing to do with the birth - it's the earlier process of pregnancy that is to blame.

Going grey - similar sort of thing. You can't go grey overnight whatever anyone tries to tell you - a hair falls out and the one that replaces it has less or no colour pigment in it so is a different colour and once it is long enough will contribute to the overall colour you appear to be.

Often hair growing back after chemotherapy will be very different from what you had before - because the follicle that the hair stems from has been radically altered by the chemical effect on rapidly dividing cells - no respecter of persons that stuff, if cells are splitting fast it will damage the process, whether it is the cancer cells, your hair or the cells lining the gut. For some people, it may take longer, though. It may take up to three to six months, or in some cases, 12 to 18 months.

In order to ensure that your hair grows back, you can apply some of the aforementioned preventative treatments such as using minoxidil or biotin and maintaining a healthy diet. In rare instances, prednisone patients might not see regrowth after hair loss. This is more common for men than it is for women, though it can affect both. If you experience this, you should talk to your doctor about potential treatment methods for reversing the hair loss. Prednisone can affect hair growth, but can it affect hair texture, too?

Prednisone can affect the texture of hair on your scalp and your body — and interestingly, it often has the opposite effect on each. Hair on the body is sometimes reported to become thicker while hair on the scalp is often said to become more brittle.

Posted 11 years ago13 users are following. Not posted for a while as things have been going quite well for me. I am down to 3mgs of Pred a day, feeling in general good health, and I almost have my life back. However, as the title of my thread says, I am wondering if taking Pred can affect your hair. My hair, although always a little on the fine side, has always looked quite good and never caused me much problem.

But I have noticed the past few months or so my hair has become very thin and wispy and not looking good at all. Posted 11 years ago.

I have very fine hair and I did suffer from hair loss down the plughole! However this stopped after a few months and I would say that I stopped shedding hair once below 5mgs. I'm not sure how long you've been on steroids - if not too long then it could just be that that side effect is only just becoming apparent. I stopped having perms whilst on steroids and tended to use organic shampoos without any harsh ingredients.

Hopefully, you will soon find that your hair starts to recover on your present low dose. Ask your phamacist if Folic Acid is compatible with Pred. If it is then ask GP for prescription. Not happy with it, but hoping it will return to normal when I get down to a more reasonable level of preds. I have been on Pred for just over a year, and on lower doses for about 6 months. I am also taking Alendronic Acid, so I am now wondering about that. I don't think I am losing my hair as such, as it still seems ok at the scalp with no gaps or anything.

It's just that it seems very thin and wispy at the ends, as though it is damaged and dry. Looks even worse this morning. Have always worn my hair on my shoulders, and I really do not want it cut, but it seems to be looking that way.

I will ask about Folic acid today Mrs K, and also if my pharmacist can suggest anything, it's well worth a try. Why are you taking AA and have you read the discussion on here? You can use the Search at the top of the page. Just wondering. Anyway, I have long hair and have noticed that it is thinner.

My ponytail keeps getting smaller. I have been on the pred since last January and am down to 5mg. I will watch for further updates for any miracle cures.

Mrs K, I have read all the stuff on AA. I did stop taking it for a while as I thought I was getting a different reaction to to it. I have started taking it again as my doctor keeps asking me if I am taking it.

Suppose I started it up again just for the quiet life. However, I am now wondering if I should stop taking it now. Surely the threat to bone density must be less now my Pred dose is lower? I do take the calcium supplements too. Mrs K recommended a Folic Acid supplement to help your hair.

When I read that it dawned on me that I have been having Folic Acid by way of Wheatgerm on my muesli every day for years. As well as containing Folic Acid, wheatgerm also contains Vitamin E which is excellent for your skin steroids can cause thinning of the skin. I'm just wondering if it was my regular daily wheatgerm helping that helped to get my hair back to normal after being thinned due to the high dose steroids.

I have never taken any AA drugs during my time on steroids, just ensured that I upped my intake of calcium-rich foods.

Although I did develop osteopenia of my spine during the high dose steroids, another scan 2 years later doesn't show any worsening to osteoporosis. I can probably expect to have some bone thinning as I'm approaching 70 but my physio has advised that once off steroids completely my bone density will actually improve, so here's hoping. Walking is excellent as a weight-bearing exercise for our bones and Nordic walking with poles is even better.

Some doctors have been persuaded that giving AA will prevent you losing bone density so, because you are on steroids, whatever the dose, they also hand out a prescription and hound you to know if you are taking it.

I was lucky - my GP agreed with me about the bad press and allowed me to stop taking it. In fact, the most recent evidence is that it is not a good idea to give it prophylactically as a prevention and it is warned by the FDA the drugs monitoring agency in the USA that it should not be given for more than 5 years at a time because of the possible side-effects associated with longterm use - gastric problems, oesophageal cancerproblems with bone loss in the jaw leading to tooth problems and some strange fractures of the thigh bone which only occur in patients on AA.

It remains in the body for at least 10 years after stopping and it may be much longer - it is just that these are the patients who first took it in the trials. As time goes on this figure will rise and the effects will probably still be there years and years later. Plus, if you are on steroids for a very long time and DO develop bone loss later or, as you get much older, develop osteoporosis even while not on steroids you may already have used up the time it is OK to take the stuff for without risking too many problems.

I don't take it - if I were to develop oesteoporosis that was bad enough to make it a problem I will consider it. There is a similar story for the statins, the cholesterol drugs. They, too, are used for many patients for whom they are achieving nothing: mainly women who have not yet had a heart problem. If you have had a heart attack or stroke or are male then if you have high cholesterol statins may reduce the chance of you having one - women with no cardiac history won't get any benefit, are at risk of the side-effects and the NHS is wasting money.

Their use was based on the figures quoted by the companies and they omitted to quote any that didn't support their use in everyone. The presented them in a way that suggested everyone would benefit by showing figures for men and women together. Had they done figures just for patients by gender and medical history it would have been obvious who wouldn't benefit. I too have excessive hair loss and even hubby comments on how much hair he sees once I have left the bathroom :?

Hair very fine and is getting thinner and drier and def losing it since preds If folks find Folic Acid helps will take it! When people are prescribed Methotextrate, for whatever reason, they are automatically put on Folic Acid to counteract hair loss. As Methotextrate was developed as a drug for certain types of cancer it makes sense. Hope this helps - I am not a medic, just know people.

The conditioners just act as polyfilla, smoothing down the rough outside of the strand of keratin that is what we call hair. The only thing they are improving is the company's profits :roll: :shock: :o.

Not sure if I am experiencing that much actual hair loss as such, as the hair on my scalp seems ok. It just seems that the hair I have got has gone very fine and wispy. Even walking across a room causes it to fly about. And because of this, and the fact I wear it long always have done it has also gone very dry and is breaking off at the ends.

I spoke to my doctor about Folic acid and he told me that they do not prescribe it, but there are over the counter versions of it in vitamin tablet form. Not bought any as yet. Not sure of the results as yet. I do know that the hair we see on our heads is the result of growth months before, and I am wondering if my thinning hair is just the results of when I was on a higher dose of Pred.

Or maybe an onset of IBS that I was suffering with during the summer. That actually did cause alot of stress. I am surprised that your doctor does not prescribe folic acid :? Sounds more like a case of saving prescription costs by forcing you to buy an over-the-counter product :roll:. I live in Dublin and have been prescribed folic acid since I started on methotrexate earlier this year.

I have not really noticed any difference in my hair since starting it, but did get mine cut shorter a few months ago as I wasn't able to manage blow-drying it when it was long.

It definately helps the condition to get regular trims Join this discussion or start a new one? We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in respect of any healthcare matters.

Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek appropriate medical assistance immediately. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified as being in breach of those terms. Can Taking Pred affect your Hair?? Hi all. Could it be the Pred that is causing this? Has anyone else suffering from PMR had this problem?

I am really missing my silky locks! New discussion Reply. Hi Gilly I have very fine hair and I did suffer from hair loss down the plughole! Good luck Amycakes. Thanks ladies for your responses. I have always been careful to look after my hair, so I am sure it can't be that. It is amazing how when I have a question and check this sight there is someone else with the exact same issue at about the same time. Also, when we feel pretty good we don't check this sight as often as we should. Kind of like praying only when you are in trouble!

Nosilla, yes I sometimes wear my hair in a ponytail too, and I am seeing it go thinner by the day. Today I have worn my hair off my shoulders and piled up in a clip, and I feel it looks better for it.

Another fun hair issue that may affect someone on prednisone is new or different body hair growth. Body hair may come in thicker in places you. So yes, your hair will grow back after prednisone! Is there anything I can do? Yes, there are many ways that you can fight back. You can change things that are. Hirsutism is excessive growth of body hair. Patients vary in the degree to which this side effect of steroids occurs. Although some patients experience minimal. Prednisone causes hair loss in some people by raising levels of an androgen called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a naturally occurring. Prednisone is a medication used to treat joint or autoimmune conditions. Prednisone may or may not cause hair loss, read on to learn more. As time goes on this figure will rise and the effects will probably still be there years and years later. Prednisone is a corticosteroid. Has anyone else suffering from PMR had this problem? Glucose Intolerance High blood sugar, or steroid—induced diabetes.

Prednisone is a corticosteroid. They have a rapid onset of action, and profoundly affect many parts of the immune system as well as most other body systems. Corticosteroids are a cornerstone of treating most types of vasculitis, and are often used in combination with other immunosuppressive medications. Many of the side—effects of steroids are predictable. We emphasize that not all side effects occur in all patients.

Despite the numerous potential side effects of corticosteroids listed below, their introduction into patient care more than 50 years ago revolutionized the treatment of many diseases, including vasculitis. When used properly, these drugs save lives and avert threats to the function of important organs. The higher the steroid dose and the longer the duration of therapy, the greater the risk of infection.

The risk is also increased when patients receive combinations of immunosuppressive medications, such as cyclophosphamide cytoxan and prednisone. The risk of some infections can be greatly reduced by taking specific types of antibiotics prophylactically such as Bactrim.

Pictured below is woman under treatment with prednisone and methotrexate for vasculitis and a concurrent neurologic condition myasthenia gravis developed painful vesicles in her mouth. The vesicles were confirmed by culture to be caused by re—activation of a Herpes simplex infection, and responded to treatment with acyclovir.

Weight gain is usually the most dreaded side—effects of steroids, incurred to some degree by nearly all patients who take them. The amount of weight gain varies from individual to individual.

In addition to causing weight gain, prednisone leads to a redistribution of body fat to places that are undesirable, particularly the face, back of the neck, and abdomen. Pictured below is an example of redistribution of body fat to the back of the neck. In addition to this redistribution of fat, many patients undergo loss of muscle strength muscle atrophy while taking steroids. Regular physical exercise is key to avoiding this type of deconditioning that often occurs with prednisone treatment.

High blood sugar, or steroid—induced diabetes. This usually resolves when the steroids are decreased or discontinued, but can be worsened by weight gain. Prednisone may cause thinning of the bones even in people who are not usually at high risk for osteoporosis for example: males, young people.

In people susceptible to osteoporosis, prednisone may accelerate the process of bone loss. Fortunately, in the past few years, excellent treatments and preventive measures have become available for osteoporosis. All patients on prednisone for prolonged periods are candidates for these medicines. Patients should be aware of their daily intake of calcium and Vitamin D while on steroids.

Bone density measurement is commonly done using DEXA scans. For reasons that are not known, high dose prednisone for example, greater than 20 milligrams a day predisposes some patients to joint damage, most often of the hips. Many patients with avascular necrosis require joint replacements.

Patients on moderate to high doses of prednisone often notice that they bruise easily, even with only slight trauma. Pictured below is a patient with giant cell arteritis who suffered a skin laceration after she struck her leg against a chair. Hirsutism is excessive growth of body hair. Patients vary in the degree to which this side effect of steroids occurs.

Although some patients experience minimal hirsutism, the patient depicted below developed this side effect after taking 10 milligrams of prednisone for a few months. High dose prednisone predisposes some patients to acne, especially facial acne, as pictured below. The facial acne developed after several weeks of high steroid doses. Many patients find it difficult to fall asleep when taking high doses of steroids. Many also find that they are more irritable or anxious than usual.

Steroids sometimes even induce depression or psychosis, which usually improves when the drug is decreased or discontinued. Long—term steroid use may lead to cataract development in the eyes, which frequently require surgical removal. Health Care Professional Yes No. All information contained within the Johns Hopkins Vasculitis website is intended for educational purposes only.

Physicians and other health care professionals are encouraged to consult other sources and confirm the information contained within this site. Consumers should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something they may have read on this website.

Side Effects Many of the side—effects of steroids are predictable. Weight Gain Weight gain is usually the most dreaded side—effects of steroids, incurred to some degree by nearly all patients who take them.

Glucose Intolerance High blood sugar, or steroid—induced diabetes. Hypertension High blood pressure. This usually improves as the corticosteroid dose is reduced.

Bone Thinning Osteoporosis Prednisone may cause thinning of the bones even in people who are not usually at high risk for osteoporosis for example: males, young people. Avascular Necrosis of Bone For reasons that are not known, high dose prednisone for example, greater than 20 milligrams a day predisposes some patients to joint damage, most often of the hips.

Hirsutism Hirsutism is excessive growth of body hair. Acne High dose prednisone predisposes some patients to acne, especially facial acne, as pictured below. Cataracts Long—term steroid use may lead to cataract development in the eyes, which frequently require surgical removal.

Use of this Site All information contained within the Johns Hopkins Vasculitis website is intended for educational purposes only.

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